The current credit crunch is a real deal, and it has added a complication to getting the financing new home buyers want. Banks and other financing outlets are paying more attention to the basics - income, debt, credit scores, etc. For most buyers, that's not bad news. It may mean a few more forms have to be filled in, and a few more details have to be attended to. But credit-worthy buyers can find (and are finding) mortgage money for the home of their dreams.
There's more good news buried in the negative headlines, too:
- Prices are VERY attractive! If you're looking for good values, there has NEVER been a better time to buy.
- Interest rates are INCREDIBLY LOW. Write a mortgage now and you'll be paying LESS interest than any time in the past 40 years! Add it up - Interest savings alone will reduce your monthly payments significantly. Those monthly savings really add up over time, too.
Bottom line? Don't give up your dream. It's a great time to buy. Contact me and I'll help.
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